Commercial apprenticeship

Up to now, around 70 young professionals have successfully completed their commercial apprenticeship at CONVISA AG, headquartered in Schwyz.
Interested, committed school leavers receive a personally shaped, thorough and comprehensive apprenticeship with us. Our team is committed to their professional development, preferably with the aim of a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (FVB), in the fiduciary sector.

Interested, committed school leavers receive a personalized, well-founded and broad-based apprenticeship with us. Our team is committed to their professional development in the fiduciary sector, preferably with a vocational baccalaureate.

Insight into our commercial apprenticeship EFZ (in German)

Unsere Berufsbildnerin gibt gerne weitere Auskunft.

Maja Dittli
HR Fachfrau mit eidg. FA
Payroll Expertin
041 819 60 60
Nachricht schreiben

Jeanine Mettler, Sachbearbeiterin Treuhand

Interessiert, den Beruf Kaufmann/-frau EFZ Treuhand kennenzulernen?

Jeanine Mettler
Treuhänderin mit eidg. FA
Verantwortliche Schnupperlehren
041 819 60 60
Nachricht schreiben