Focus 2024
- Partial revision of the Value Added Tax Act and Ordinance - entry into force on January 1, 2025
- Research and development deduction - (not) an instrument for SMEs?
- Calculation of share tax values - tax authorities do not have to adhere to recognized valuation principles
- JUSO initiative - An initial assessment
- Transfer pricing for affiliated companies - increasing importance in Switzerland too
- In FOCUS - News from the legislative field
- In FOCUS - Our brief notes
- In FOKUS - Canton Schwyz
- In FOCUS - Canton Uri
- In FOCUS - Canton Lucerne
FOCUS 2023
- AHV 21 reform as of January 1, 2024 - impact on practically all people working in Switzerland
- VAT increase - adjustment of VAT rates as of January 1, 2024
- Relocation from Lake Geneva to Lake Lucerne - Three landmark decisions cause a stir
- Home office / teleworking - tax and social security developments
- Building a solar system - for the benefit of the environment and, in some cases, the tax authorities
- New statutory duty of the Board of Directors - monitoring solvency
- Living wills, advance health care directives, organ donation - standard formulations are often inadequate
- In FOCUS - News from the legislative field
- In FOCUS - Our brief notes
- In FOKUS - Canton Schwyz
- In FOCUS - Canton Uri
- In FOCUS - Across the borders
FOCUS 2022
- New inheritance law from 1.1.2023 - More freedom in estate planning
- Introduction of trusts in Swiss law. Adoption of foreign legal entities meets with resistance
- New stock corporation law from Jan. 1, 2023 - Increased flexibility
- New data protection law as of 1.9.2023 - protection of the personality of natural persons
- Investing in cryptocurrencies - Does this make you a professional securities trader?
- Did you know? - Investment funds with direct real estate holdings are attractive for tax purposes
- Real estate and VAT - planning options for purchase / sale / lease
- Global OECD Minimum Tax - Planned Implementation in Switzerland / Impact on SMEs
- Contractorship - future model for independent work?
- In FOCUS - News from the tax legislation
- In FOCUS - News from legislation / case law
- In FOCUS - Our brief notes
FOCUS 2021
- Is the tax world changing? - Impact of current developments on private individuals and SMEs
- Reduction of Tax Consequences - Simplifications in the Swiss Tax Landscape
- Succession planning with employees - watch out for the tax authority!
- Inheritance Law Revision - Current Status
- No longer just maternity leave - paternity leave as well as other caregiver leave.
- In FOKUS - News from the tax practice
- In FOCUS - Our brief notes
- In FOKUS - Canton Schwyz
- In FOCUS - Across the borders
- COVID-19 - Miscellaneous
Fachmitteilungen / Fachhefte
Situativ publizieren wir zu aktuellen Fachthemen auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kundschaft zugeschnittene Fachmitteilungen.
EXPERTsuisse Info 3/2024
- Schärfere Massnahmen gegen
Konkurse - Aktienrechtsrevision: Die Übergangsfrist endet –
besteht Handlungsbedarf? - Steuer- und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Regelungen
für Grenzgänger - Änderungen im Mehrwertsteuergesetz ab 2025
EXPERTsuisse Info 2/2024
- Sacheinlage und Mehrwertsteuer
- Bundesgerichtsurteil: steuerfreie Rückzahlung
von verdeckten Kapitaleinlagen - Mitarbeiterentsendung
ins Ausland:
Risiken für die Arbeitgeberin - Datenschutzerklärung Mitarbeitende
EXPERTsuisse Info 1/2024
- Neues Aktienrecht: Zwischendividenden bei bestehenden Verlustvorträgen
- Update zur Abschaffung des Eigenmietwerts
- Neu geplante Massnahmen zur Stärkung
der Geldwäscherei-Bekämpfung: Transparenzregister - Neues Aktienrecht: Anpassung der Bestimmungen
zu Kapitalverlust und Überschuldung
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