Employee orientation

Grateful for the above-average loyalty of our employees, we can also take this as an unmistakable sign that the way of working together as well as individual advancement at CONVISA is convincing and enjoyable. A trusting, collegial working atmosphere, a secure job, fair remuneration, committed internal further training, the promotion of external additional training - this is what we are committed to as an employer.

Die CONVISA AG als Ihr Arbeitgeber – eine Chance?

Exam successes - congratulations!

Our apprentice Julia Baumann has successfully completed her apprenticeship with a vocational baccalaureate. The entire CONVISA team is proud of this achievement and looks forward to working with her in the future.

The entire CONVISA team congratulates Serena Studer on successfully completing her training as an accounting assistant.

Work anniversaries - consistency in times of change

Reto Büeler (25 years)

Yvonne Arnold (20 years)

Alexander Huber (15 years)

Edith Gisler (10 years)

Christian Grätzer (10 years)

Angela Gasser (5 years)